How to Keep Busy when Stuck Home during the Quarantine

The Covid-19 virus has the entire stuck home in quarantine. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can keep from going mad while you are quarantined. One of the things you can do is to play online the slots of Vegas casino. Playing slots and cards online will help keep your mind sharp, and can help you socialize from a distance. You might also find that your skills improve making you a better player for when the world opens back up again and you can play in person.

In addition to playing cards or slots online, you can do some activities that have been stuck on your shelf for a decade. Consider doing a puzzle, or having game night. If you live with family, game night should become a regular activity. And, if you live alone, you can still do some card games and other games over a video chat like Zoom. 

You can also further your education either formally or informally. Consider reading that stack of books you haven’t had time for, or take courses online through a company like Udemy or Coursera. You might be able to get some formal certifications, so that you can advance your career once the world opens back up. 

The Blues of Staying Inside

What is it exactly about staying inside during a self-quarantine that makes us feel so stuck? Not being able to see, and touch, and hug, family and friends makes us feel disconnected from the world. We also don’t like being told what to do. Even though it’s clear staying inside right now is best for everyone, we don’t like being told by the government to stay inside. Our lives have been tipped upside down as we only have our laptops and cell phones to connect to the world. We try to be grateful that at least this lockdown has occurred now and not 40 years ago before technology. 

So, let’s rely on technology to help get us through these times. Let’s use our cell phones to call, text, email, and connect via social media. While you do not want to find yourself on social media for hours a day, sometimes sharing a goofy meme or cartoon can be enough to put a smile on our faces and lighten the dreary mood just a tad. Use that Facetime feature on the phone you never use to call up and see your nieces and nephews. While it doesn’t replace in-person visits, it can help us feel a little less isolated.

While you can’t travel right now, you can also use this time to plan your next trip. Look at that bucket list of yours, or create a bucket list for the first time, and decide where it is you want to go for the first time once the world opens back up.

The Blues of Staying Inside

Slots and other Online Games 

A great activity you can do that will help keep your brain sharp, keep you socializing, and get out some competitive juices is to play the slots of Vegas from the comfort of your own home. The gambling industry has already been changing over the years, and now you can do just as much online as if you were to go to a casino and play in person. 

Some of the more popular games you can partake in online:

  • Slots – If playing the slots is your preference, there are plenty of ways for you to pull that lever online and feel the same rush of hitting the jackpot. Playing the slots of vegas online is almost as good as playing in person at your favorite location. Better yet, you can stay home in your pajamas and be as comfortable as possible without having to worry about socializing with anyone if you don’t want to.
  • Poker – Poker and other card games have never been more popular or easy to play on line than they are right now. Take advantage of the world we are in, and fine-tune your card playing skills online. When you are able to play again in person, you might find yourself a better card play and able to win more of the pot than before Covid-19 hit us. Playing online will allow you to take advantage of online tutorials. Let the computer help teach you when to play certain cards. You can pick up tricks that you can use in the real world after the quarantine. 
  • Sports betting – While sports are mostly shut down right now, when they do resume play, you will be able to make wagers online and experience the same thrill as if you were at a sports match in person. Take advantage of this down time to read up on your favorite sports teams and make your predictions now, so you are ready to place a wager once sports resume. Study depth charts, weather patterns, and predict who will be the next champion of your favorite league. 

Keep your Mental Sanity 

Cut yourself a little slack. We are I the midst of a global pandemic that is taking lives and changing the world forever. Covid-19 will be talked about for generations. We are in the eye of a storm. It’s ok if you are indulging a little bit more in comfort foods than normal. Your primary concern right now should be staying inside and staying away from the virus. 

Focus on your mental and phsyical health above all else right now, and be patient while waiting for the world to open back up and a new normal to be established. Don’t beat yourself up if you eat pizza 4 nigths in a row for dinner. While you should try for a balanced diet, this is not the time for negative self-talk and making yourself feel worse about the current state of the world. Think positive, and reach out to friends and family as much as you can. This quarantine will pass, and the world will eventually establish a new normal.