Would you call yourself a smart buyer? Some people just seem to get more bang for their buck than others. If you don’t count among them and you would like to improve your spending vision, here are a few useful tips to get you started. We are going to use a $5 budget and provide you with 7 tips on how you can net yourself a real treasure with only $5.
1. Try Your Luck At Online Sports Betting, Casino Or The Lottery
Buy a couple of lottery tickets or make some bets online for a chance to win a life-changing jackpot and cross your fingers. Whatever you choose to gamble on the trick is to be patient. With only $5 to start with you need to place one small bet after the other, use useful tools online along with betting tips and try to make the best-inspired bets. You should soon notice your bankroll growing gradually. The best game for a small pocket is probably slot machines where you can play cheap, one-cent slot games and aim for a nice jackpot. Just keep in mind if you are striving to bring home a progressive jackpot worth a few hundred of thousands, you should get ready to wager the maximum bet to be eligible for the big win. (Follow the link for more tips on how to win on slot machines)
2. Buy A Gold Face Mask
Yes, why not pamper yourself a little? It costs less than $5 and it will bring you a 24-karat gold mask for gorgeous, glowing skin that will instantly send you into a better mood – and that’s actually priceless. You will feel great and taking care of yourself is actually the best investment you can make!
3. Get A Cozy Fleece Blanket
Use it to snuggle during brisk fall and winter nights or stay warm when you need to work late at the office and thank yourself later.
4. Get An MP3 Player
If you want to take a trip down memory lane, you could check out a few fantastic MP3 players you can find online and listen to your favorite songs on it while jogging or commuting to work in the morning – you will definitely draw all eyes on you! Music has been proven to make us happy so you are going to make a good investment.
5. Buy Some Snacks And Watch A Movie
$5 won’t buy you a movie ticket, but you can still do an entire movie marathon from the comfort of your home. Netflix & chill with a bag of chips and some fresh popcorn out of the microwave – what more could you want for a relaxed evening?
6. Get A Water Temperature Indicator
If you are tired of constantly testing tap water and waiting for it to cool down to the temperature you enjoy the most, save yourself the trouble and buy a water temperature indicator. The device will let you know whether the water is lukewarm, hot or nice and chill.
7. Visit A Museum
There are lots of admission-free museum all throughout the country, as well as museums that charge small fees – as small as $5 (the Jordan Schnitzer Museum at the University of Oregon in Eugene or the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in Michigan, to name just a few). The Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, Virginia and the El Paso Museum of Art are a couple of examples of museums that charge zero fees for visitors, so make sure to add them to the list.
While most people can easily think of a number of fees you could cover with a $5 bill, ranging from bus fares to a couple of hours of city parking or a fresh cup of Joe, this was not the purpose of our mini spending guide. Very often we overlook the value of a fiver. We wanted to show you seven fun and enjoyable things to inspire you to see what you really can be doing with a single $5 crinkled bill in your pocket! We hope you are inspired!