Does Anxiety Lower Your Energy Levels?

Occasional episodes of anxiety are perfectly normal and won’t have any lasting effects. However, people who live with anxiety are likely to experience severe anxiety attacks that seem to come out of nowhere and can reach their peak within minutes.  Different forms of anxiety may affect an individual at different times and also affect Your Energy Levels; but in most cases, people experience one or two of these:

  • Panic disorders 
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder 
  • Social anxiety 
  • Separation anxiety 
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 
  • Post trauma Stress Disorder
  • Phobias

How Anxiety Affects Our Body

Anxiety is normally characterized by physical and mental processes that include increases in heart rate, a change in breathing, and feeling embarrassed. 

Specific types of anxiety may result in different symptoms or experiences. For example, a PTSD attack may feel as if you’re losing your breath and are about to die. The experience itself may last a short time but feel more intense than a case of generalized anxiety disorder. Other common symptoms of PTSD are: 

  • Chest pain
  • Numbing of hands
  • Tingling sensation 
  • Mental confusion
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Being unable to speak

Anxiety is meant to work as a survival mechanism that ensures the body is prepared to confront or run from danger. This is what’s called the fight-or-flight response. 

Under normal threat-circumstances, the lungs take in more air, causing you to feel as if you’re losing your breath. The increase in oxygen intake just means the body expects that you might need to run fast, (or fight) in which case the muscles would need higher calories and oxygen. 

Adrenaline and cortisol are responsible for much of what goes on when we’re anxious. The problem is that these hormones can change some of the ways your body works if your body stays in a state of tension for a long time. 

Instead of prepping muscles to take off, being in a state of tension can cause distress and become unhealthy both physically and mentally. 

What Causes Anxiety?

If you have symptoms that start to affect your mental health, then it may be time to see a doctor. A health expert will ask you some questions to learn more about your condition, and also to rule out other possible diseases that have the same symptoms.

There is no medical test for anxiety, so doctors rely on a combination of screening and Q&A to determine if there are mental health issues at play. 

Your doctor might ask about:

  • Any history of drug use
  • Whether you’ve had depression in the past 
  • If you have tried hurting yourself or others 
  • Family history (depression, anxiety, etc.)

All of these factors will help your doctor make a diagnosis and come up with treatment. A lot of times people who have anxiety issues tend to struggle with depression and other mood disorders. 

There is no single cause of anxiety, but there are common underlying factors that seem to be a precursor to specific forms of anxiety. Speak to a doctor about diagnosing anxiety if you suspect that you have the condition. 

Other symptoms of anxiety worth noting:

Here are the main symptoms of anxiety:

  • Sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trembling
  • Feeling Weak or Tired
  • Feeling Nervous, Restless or Tense

Boosting Energy Levels to Avoid Anxiety

Anxiety can be managed more effectively by strengthening the body and mind through diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Check out these five ways you can boost your energy levels: 

1. Eat for energy

Some foods contain high amount LS of energy, such omega-3s fatty acids in salmon and sardines. Fruits and dark green veggies are also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Find out other foods with fiber and high energy. 

2. Get moving

Exercise increases blood flow and raises energy. We don’t even mean serious exercise like weightlifting or high-intensity workouts. Something as basic as a walk in the park will do wonders for your energy, and it will increase your lung capacity, not to mention reducing stress. 

3. Watch your circadian rhythm 

Following a consistent routine makes it easier for your bio-clock to work unhindered. The problem is, many of us don’t go to sleep at the same exact time every night, and we don’t always follow a healthy routine with our eating habits either. Boost your energy by sleeping at the same time, waking up at the same time, and eating healthy food. 

4. Avoid sugar

Sugar can change your energy and mess up your like mood. This is because sugar contains “empty” calories and instead of nourishing the cells and organs, it gives you a rush or high, which lasts a short time and is usually followed by low energy, and mood swings. Eat fruits in place of sugar, because they have healthy sugars and will keep you energized for longer. 

5. Hydrate

Water consumption has a direct link to energy levels. Your brain, muscles, essential organs (including skin) all need a good supply of water. Failure to hydrate reduces mental focus and is also linked to headaches and migraines due to higher toxicity. The recommended minimum is 8 glasses of water per day.  


If you have problems with anxiety, always speak to a health expert. Follow these tips to help make you stronger mentally and physically against the symptoms of anxiety.