Every once in a while you are planning a day of adventures and fun times with your group of boys and now it is your turn to shine; you have to plan the day and make sure that it will be a nice one! Some tricks to begin with- ‘day for the boys’ ; start planning the adventures and activities on time and also make sure that the date of the day is early and well-known within your group of friends! You know what they say, man and plannings…. To organize a very fun day of activities, it would be best to combine relaxing with adventures and we will provide you with some pointers for a complete day’s planning! There we go…
10:00 AM-
- ‘day for the boys’ Make sure you plan your day on a Saturday or Sunday, so you can start preferably early. It might be best to start with a delicious cup of coffee, for example at a nice restaurant or bar! Make sure that the restaurant is located close to the activity; it is best if you can execute this day by bike.
11:00 AM-
Off you go, on to the next item of the agenda. Looking for an adventurous, fun, exciting and maybe a little bit scary activity? A climbing jungle would be your cup of tea then! Hitting the trees with your best mates is absolutely a perfect ingredient for the most fun Saturday or Sunday you could wish for!
Lunch time
Most probably, you could go to the hospitality venue located at the climbing jungle park for your lunch! And of course, to drink away some excitement with a few beers…. After lunching for an hour or two, it is time to get your bike again and to continue your day with another activity…
03:00 PM
Beer tasting! Make a reservation at a local bar and ask if it is possible to taste 3 or 4 beers per person; you could make it a real party by decorating the place a bit on forehand (with party goods from a headshop, e.g. 24High). The combination of a festive place and the beer tasting, will guarantee a very fun and amazing ambiance within your group of friends!
05:30 PM
Dinner! Spareribs, burgers or maybe a barbecue restaurant are obviously always good choices for a group of men, especially if you put all your energy in climbing the forest and after that had some real good beers; you most probably are craving for some good food!