What Percentage of College Sexual Assaults Involve Alcohol?

Sexual assaults are a significant problem that is a common topic discussed on TV nationally and internationally. Among the many places that sexual assaults happen, college campuses are the hub of such nasty activities. Most sexual assaults take place under the influence of alcohol. Not only sexual assaults but many more crimes are done under the influence of alcohol. So, today we have highlighted our blog on what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol and much more. Read on to get complete information about sexual assaults involving alcohol and more!

What Percentage of College Sexual Assaults Involve Alcohol and the statistics?

About 50 percent of the sexual assaults are done when the person is under the effect of alcohol. The National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence’s project VAWnet has stated this report.

Since alcoholics cannot make the proper judgment, it acts as the major contributing factor that leads to sexual assaults.

Furthermore, 72 percent of the rapes happened when the victim was intoxicated, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Centre.

Also, the students who live off-campus have more risk to be a victim of sexual assaults.

When the data was researched for ‘what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?’ it is seen that about 1/3 of the abusers are friends or close with the victims.

Statistics of Sexual Assaults involving alcohol:

The following statistics are a compilation of ‘what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?’ and ‘alcohol prominence in the crime happens to young people.

First, almost 50 percent of the sexual assaults in college involve alcohol.

Second, at least 92 percent of the time, acquaintances of the victim committed the crime.

Third, almost 20 to 25 percent of the girls most probably sexually harassed in their college.

Forth, at least 98 percent of the sexual harassments are committers are males.

Fifth, about 44 percent of the victims are under the influence of alcohol. In comparison, 70 percent of the perpetrator were under the influence of alcohol.

Sixth, 1/3 of the time, the perpetrator was intoxicated at the time of the assaults.

Seventh, almost 15 percent of the completed rapes happened when the victim is dating an aggressor. Furthermore, for attempted rapes, the percentage is almost 35.

Eight, male student-athletes are more aggressive, sexist, and resentful toward women and force sexual activities than those who do not play any sports.

Lastly, men are also the victims of sexual abuse. Almost 90 percent of sexual assaults against men are done when they are a minor that is under the age of 18.

If you want to keep yourself updated on the what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?’ or ‘percentage of sexual violence against women,’ follow few magazines and online sites. They give information every week to update the public.

What is the link between sexual assaults and alcohol?

Campus Party Life

You will see people thinking college is the place for parties and they can enjoy to the brim. Moreover, tv-series and movies show this stereotype a lot which also has some truth to it.

When students become adults and have more liberty, they see these campus parties be super vibrant and intense. And these parties involve a lot of alcohol.

Moreover, sororities and the frat house culture contribute more to this. Almost 50 percent of the students who are from fraternities are heavy drinkers, whereas only 34 percent are other students who are alcoholics.

In addition, women who drink less or are nonalcoholic are less likely to get sexually assaulted than women who drink more.

Thus, all these parties on the campus contribute to the occurrence of sexual harassment and rape in the colleges.

Date Rape Drugs and Spiked Drinks

Date rape drugs are used on a high percentage at these parties occurring on the campus. Thus there is a frequent incidence of sexual harassment.

Furthermore, most of these harassments involve people who know each other in comparison to strangers.

It should be noted, the attacker’s motive is to decrease the ability of the victim to fight back or resist. Hence, you will notice the use of alcohol most of the time.

Reports said in these situations, date rape drugs, and many more drugs are used. However, the aggressor mostly uses alcohol just to increase the vulnerability of the victim.

Even though a lot of students are alert about the drinks and keep an eye on them, but sometimes the drinks are spiked before handed.

Thus, alcohol is just another device that tolerates the perpetuation of these rape cultures at the campuses.

Rape Culture

According to many researchers in colleges, male athletes are idolized a lot more than female athletes. Thus, it creates an imbalance in power. So, it increases animosity, and the female athletes do not receive the same treatment.

Moreover, it builds the mindset that male has more power than women, thus increasing hatred which further leads to sexual harassments.

Also, fraternities and male athletes are more dangerous for women than other males on the campus. It should be noted that, according to date, male athletes and fraternities are more likely to consume alcohol than other male students.

Peer Pressure

Both men and women indeed want to drink when they are in college to increase their experiences and enjoy life. All of which increases friendship, and in the process, they make peers. But these peers can be a good and bad influence. At times it can leave an immense bad impact as well.

Peer pressure among college students is common and immensely stressful. All of which might lead to circumstances when a woman might drink more alcohol than her tolerance. Thus, leading to assaults in their vulnerable state.

Furthermore, reports said many people drink because all of their other friends are drinking. And being the only one not drinking can lead to teasing or bullying.

This is one of the problems that lead to sexual assaults on the campus. But, by helping to make a more accurate picture of the friend’s behaviors, you may decrease this problem.

Reporting against college sexual harassments

Unfortunately, most women who have experienced sexual harassment on campus do not report or tell anyone. Most women believe that they will not get support, will be disbelieved, belittled, or even worse, get harassed more.

Furthermore, the victim is shamed and blamed for these harassments, and in most cases, the abuser is defended. However, these days, there are many groups on the campuses that support the individuals and help the victims get justice.

Also, you will find there a lot of treatment programs on the campus for alcohol abuse. They help to educate and teach the students about drinking on the campus. All of which helps them handle any triggers and peer pressure.

In addition, they also teach the risk of being a heavy drinker. And inform them what other problems they may face apart from sexual assaults.

Some More Alcohol Assault Statistics and Reports

The majority of sexual assaults involve force or threat of force. Plus, with alcohol involved, the violence and criminal activities are much more.

A standard drink includes 1/2 ounce of alcohol, and when someone does excessive drinking, they start to lose their consciousness, might have more aggressive behaviors, and their judgment. Hence, alcohol-involved crime is rising day by day all over the world.

When researchers look for ‘what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?’ they have seen a massive increase in the number, which is extremely concerning.

Moreover, the data states that binge drinking or drinking alcohol for long has increased the risk of committing violent crimes.

The damaging effects of alcohol will ruin one’s life forever. Not only are you harming your future but also harassing and putting their lives in danger. Moreover, the consequences of criminal offenses are jail, penalties, and legal fees.

In addition, about 40% of the prisoners are in jail due to committing crimes under alcohol influences. Also, they get more legal limits when they were arrested according to the blood alcohol content (BAC).

Other Crimes Related to Alcohol

We have talked about the what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol?’ and involvement of alcohol in college offenses. But now, let’s talk about other alcohol-related crimes.

The usual alcohol-related offense is drinking and driving. Though, here are some examples of other crimes that involve alcohol. Let us check them out:


Many countries and cities have a steady growth in burglaries and crime related to property. Furthermore, about 15 percent of these crimes have a link with alcohol.

Once a person is under alcohol, their desperation intensifies, and they steal others’ property and money. While some burglars want to have a better life or desire to make quick money, however, most become repeated offenders.

Also, the effects of robbing or mugging someone can lead to from 6 months to years in jail, fines, and also criminal charges in the record.

Aggravated assault

One of the common signs of alcohol misuse is having mood swings and extreme annoyance. Hence, some people become violent after they had a heavy drinking session.

They become more aggressive and hostile and make poor decisions which are very dangerous. Moreover, if they act upon those violent feelings and thoughts, it might lead to aggravated assault.

Also, according to the reports, almost 28 percent of the assaults are done when the person was under the influence of alcohol.

Furthermore, it might cause severe damage and injuries, such as harming another person vigorously. Moreover, if some weapons are involved, then the damage will be irreparable.

Violence against the spouse or partner

Partner violence crimes happen when one romantic partner harms their significant other either psychologically, sexually, or physically.

Thus, alcoholic partners often commit dangerous crimes such as intimidation, aggression, forcing sexual activity, bullying, and a lot more offensive behavior.

Also, researches have shown that about 2/3 of the victims who suffer from domestic abuse by their current or previous partners have been under the influence of alcohol.

Moreover, having a spouse who is alcoholic can cause a lot of problems. Some more problems are child care, infidelity, financial, and much more.

Child abuse

Money problems, professional problems, stress, and a lot of different factors can make a person consume alcohol in more amount. However, it affects the person, but also the family, especially those who have kids.

Researches have shown that the link among parents who are alcoholic and child abuse and neglect.

In addition, 4 out of 10 child abusers had stated that they were under the effect of alcohol when they committed those offenses.

Kids who are a victim of child abuse have a chance to develop physical and behavioral problems once they are older.


A lot of homicides happen mainly in the United States due to the involvement of alcohol. Almost 40 percent of the time, murderers had alcohol previously or at the time of the crime.

Moreover, the involvement of alcohol will lead to further crimes, and the violence level escalates very quickly.

In addition, alcohol blurs an individual’s memory and mental state, which increases the risk of committing more vicious crimes. Also, homicide convicts can go to jail for a minimum of 20 to 30 years for life or can be given the death penalty.

Final Thoughts

Now we know what percentage of college sexual assaults involve alcohol and other crimes committed due to alcohol involvement.

Moreover, if someone has sexually assaulted someone, then it is best to take legal actions. The more we talk about it, the more people will be aware of the crimes.

Also, there are rehab centers and other recovery addiction programs for people who are alcoholics. These programs will help them to get back on their feet again.