Fidelity of Men and Women: Myth or Reality?

Today’s realities prove that staying faithful in a relationship is not as easy as it might seem. It is generally accepted that representatives of the sterner sex are more prone to adultery, but is it really so? This article will help you figure out who cheats more often: men or women.

Who Cheats More Often?

Almost every girl at least once in her life thought that at this very second, when her beloved is not around her, he may be cheating with escort service Dubai or thinking about it. In family life, this paranoia becomes even stronger. So, for example, many women who are married are sure that as soon as their husband leaves the threshold of the home, at the same moment, he begins to look for a suitable option for cheating, looking at the girls on the street.

But here is a surprise — both men and women are capable of cheating. The only difference is that women may be pushed to cheat by other factors than men. Simply put, cheating does not depend on gender:

  • Psychologists managed to find out that men and women react differently to cheating. If a man catches his chosen one in bed with another man, then his first reaction will be aggression and rage. It will be aimed at both lovers, and not just at the woman. As a rule, men do not think about reciprocal betrayal.
  • For women, everything is a little different. Many of them, having found out about the infidelity of a man, begin to regret the unrealized opportunities and enlist that, if the opportunity arises, they will take revenge and cheat in return. The percentage of women who break up with a cheater is very small. Those who did not manage to break up continue to live in fear of another betrayal and that their men may fall in love with the one with whom they spend nights away from home.

Scientists’ Opinion on Female Infidelity

Even in ancient times, cheating was practiced. Since it was necessary to procreate, it was normal to have several partners because women never knew for sure whether a man would return from hunting or fall from the claws of any animal. And the risk of dying from various diseases among men was very high at that time, so women cheated out of good intentions since procreation was necessary. Then the fidelity of men and women was in the last place. The main thing was to survive and procreate.

Scientists’ Opinion on Female Infidelity

Let’s go back to our days. Here, scientists conducted a study for which they invited 7,000 men and women in relationships. They managed to find out that those women who are prone to adultery (and there are more than 400 of them) have an altered AVPR1A gene. Among scientists, this gene has been called the gene of cheating. And, perhaps, it was laid by nature in women since ancient times.

Summing up

Betrayal is inherent in relationships devoid of love and understanding between partners. Cheating is also possible if a person is not used to living in limited conditions, that is, in a close relationship with someone. There is no need to prevent this. If a person wants to cheat, then they will do it, and prohibitions and persuasions to change their mind will not lead to anything.