Why does the edible high last so long?

If you have ever tried your hand at medicated foods, you will know that edible highs last quite long and have intense effects. In comparison to the smoked and vaporized flowers, they definitely have stronger impacts.

Fortunately, the regulations of many legalized states have set some limits on how much potency an edible can offer.  Just the same with la familia edibles and others, recreational cannabis should be limited too.This has impacted the way they are portioned and packaged. However, there is still a long way ahead for all the edible lovers out there when it comes to dosage control.

Metabolism: explained

The THC that finds its way to the inside of your body after ingesting cannabis is slowly processed in the mouth, stomach, intestines, and then finally the liver. Inside the liver, it gradually gets mixed into your blood. However, the resulting impact on your body depends on a variety of factors that are often ignored/overlooked by inexperienced users/first-timers.

Whenever you consume an edible while being dehydrated or on an empty stomach, the entire content of THC will hit your system at once and make you feel incredibly high. On the contrary, if you consume THC after you have had a meal, you can observe a delay in the metabolism of the edible. You might not feel high for a few hours, and the strong impact might last as long as it takes for your body to break down the food completely.

Based on the natural speed of your metabolism, the time after which the effects of edibles disappear can change. In this period, you are likely to face difficulties in doing your regular chores or even staying awake for that matter.

Some people also experience dry mouth, intense sweating, troubled breathing, and even anxiety because of the huge amount of THC in their  bodies. The intensity and length of the highs achieved by edibles can be affected by prescription medicines or supplements. Thus, we recommend you consult a doctor before consuming edibles in order to get an idea of how your metabolism could be impacted.

Organic chemistry

Another important reason why the highs offered by edibles last so long is that our body creates distinct THC by-products depending on the mode of consumption. When you inhale cannabis products, delta-9-THC remains unchanged. It is simply passed down the bloodstream and gets you instantly high.

On the other hand, when you consume, i.e., eat or drink, the delta-9-THC breaks down and gets altered to form 11-hydroxy-THC, which acts faster in releasing the psychotropic effects of the chemical. In other words, the edible has been digested, and it becomes a highly powerful form of cannabis, which is totally different from what you have experienced through smoking marijuana.

You tend to observe stronger highs and a brief period of hallucinations as well. The 11-hydroxy-THC generated is potent enough to remain you inside your body for 3 to 5 days. This is why it is vital to practice caution with edibles. Always remember that safety is the top priority when it comes to working with cannabis products.

Summing up

Whether you are smoking or consuming edibles, always invest in reliable brands like Budmail, and define the purpose of your usage clearly – whether you are looking for recreational purposes or medicinal use.

Summing up

Always start small with a reasonable dosage of edibles that you are sure of having a control over, say 25 milligrams or less. You can always add more later if you do not feel great with the initial amount. This will help build the impact gradually to result in the desired effect instead of getting it all at once.