What Are the Main Classifications of Poker?

Mixed poker games can be a huge amount of fun, but at the same time, they can also be confusing for some. They tend to combine different variants into a single game. Players will play one hand, or a number of hands and then play the rules of another variant. You have to make sure that you concentrate hard here, because if you don’t then you may find that you end up not being able to come out with a win, which is the last thing that you need.

The Main Types of Poker

There are a few main types of poker. This includes community card poker, stud poker and lastly, draw poker. Every variant of this game will fall into a category such as this. In draw poker, you will not be able to show your opponent any cards. You will then try and replace a certain number of cards in your deck over time, to get the best hand. Five Card Draw falls into this category of playing. If you look at Stud Poker, then games involving this will contain a combination of exposed and hidden cards. 

Opponents will have some information about what they may have. If you look at Seven Card Stud, then you will see that this falls into this category. Community Card Poker uses shared cards. Players will be dealt hidden cards and they will be used in combination with the community cards to try and form a hand. Two popular variants of this type include Omaha and Texas Hold’Em. Sites such as GGPoker often give you the chance to play games with rules like this, so it is very easy for you to learn the game quickly should you want to learn.

Additional Types of Poker

In a lot of forms of poker, the highest-ranked hand will come away with the pot. There are two additional games where this is not the case though. Some poker variants are classified as being lowball games or even high-split games. How they work will differ as well, so you need to keep this in mind if you can.


If you are playing a lowball game, then it is the hand with the lowest cards that will win the pot. There are rules about straights and flushes too. They count whether or not an ace is a high card or a low card. Razz and Deuce Seven Triple Draw are all fantastic examples of low-card games.

High-Low Split

High and low split games can include Omaha and Hi-Lo. They tend to be far more complicated when compared to other types of poker variants. In some instances, it is more than possible for a player to have the highest hand as well as the lowest hand. Games such as this are complex and for that reason, they are not recommended for beginner players.

Cash Games

Any poker variant can be played in cash or tournament format. The main rules of the game are fundamentally the same in both of them but there are some key differences in regard to how they work overall. If you look online, then you will see some of the main ways that the tournaments can differ. If you want to make sure that you are the best that you can be when it comes to poker or if you want to make sure that you get the best result out of your poker experience, then there are many things that you can do. You can easily play online poker, or you can seek out tournaments to play in.